Write a video SCRIPT that will AMAZE your viewers

 YouTube, the second largest search engine after Google, is becoming saturated and competition is tough both in terms of production quality and content. Especially if you're a beginner, it's not always easy to have catchy content. 

How to write a video script?

How to write a script for an impactful video?

These are the questions we will answer in this article. We will see, step by step, how you will be able to write a script that will hook your audience and make you stand out from your competitors.

Benefits of writing a script before shooting the video

The script is the set of steps to follow and things to say in your video during filming. Writing a script allows you to bring together all your ideas , i.e. the outline of what you are going to say, calls for actions, etc. 

It also saves you time while filming, and  gives you confidence because you know exactly what you are going to say. Plus, you won't forget anything.

If there is one parameter that is really important, it is audience retention This means that when users view your videos, the time spent on your videos will be analyzed by the YouTube algorithm. So, if these people watch your videos for a few seconds and then leave, that's a bad signal for YouTube.

This means your content isn't catchy or interesting enough. Hence the importance of having an impactful video structure that will make people want to stay until the end of your video.

A second important parameter is the engagement around your video The more engagement your video requires, the better the algorithm will position you.  

We will therefore see in the following, the 7 points that the structure of a video must include for it to be impactful on YouTube. 

Let's start with the first point which is the hook.

1. The Hook

On YouTube, you have between 5 and 10 seconds to hook people , otherwise the viewers leave. You have to admit that it's really difficult to interest people. These first 5 to 10 seconds are essential! 

When you start your first sentences, you should return to the question you want to answer. In general, it's a promise. Then you try to paraphrase around that question .

For example: '' You have recently owned a car, you are starting to be interested in mechanics, but as soon as you dive into your engine under the hood, you realize that you are completely lost. In this video, I'm going to show you 3 simple tips to get started with mechanics right after that ''.

In this example, you see that we start from a problem. We try to paraphrase around that so that the person who hears it feels targeted and interested in what will be said next. 

Following the problem presented, you must then propose concrete solutions.

By doing so, you hook users who will click on your video. Then you throw out your credits!

2. The Generic

All major films, whether James Bond or Mission Impossible, or even major TV series like Games Of Thrones, have credits. Indeed, a credits is, in a way, a Proust madeleine. It allows you to immerse your viewers directly into an atmosphere that they will find in each episode .

When you publish videos on YouTube, you do it regularly, and therefore, each time people come across your videos, the credits will plunge them back into that atmosphere. You should still remember that on YouTube, unlike the credits of certain films which last several minutes, your credits must be quite short: between 4 to 5 seconds .

If you put credits that are too long, viewers will leave after a few minutes. Now it's up to you to find something succinct and interesting enough.

Do not put your credits at the beginning of the video. This is a common mistake that many YouTubers make. It's already very complicated to have people click on your video. This could scare them away.

Then start your video with the hook, then you put the credits and in third position, your introduction.

3. The Introduction

The mistake some YouTubers often make is to start their video by introducing themselves. This is a mistake that should definitely not be made. You must start your video with your promise which is the hook, then your credits and after your introduction.

The point of introducing yourself is to make yourself known during your video. Therefore, it's always good to introduce yourself and explain a little about what your channel is about in general.

This may lead them to subscribe to your channel because they will understand what the channel is about through your introduction.

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This is also the time to make your first call to action which is to highlight the main objective of the video. If, for example, the goal of the video is to get people to subscribe, you can build on that to make your first call to action.

Once you finish introducing yourself, you start with your content.

4. The Content

Content is the most important part of your video. This is why you need to make an effort to have interesting content . 

The current observation is that YouTube is starting to be saturated. The level is quite high both in terms of the quality of the productions and the content. So, if you are not yet producing quality, focus everything on content. It's better to prioritize content than a visual blockbuster.

You must therefore absolutely avoid saying in your content what is being said everywhere For example, don't look for inspiration in other YouTube videos. You have to start from your personal experience , your filming, your meetings and your daily activities. Use all of this to write original content. 

Once you finish your content, be sure to check the internet to see if you haven't forgotten anything. It is essential to do it at the end and not at the beginning.

Really try to find sources of inspiration outside of YouTube, by doing things you're not used to.

For example, if you like rock concerts, go see classical dance. If you like theater, go see a boxing match. Get out of your habits and your comfort zone! You will see that it will open your eyes to other things and above all inspire you and give you a different angle. All this will allow you to have original and impactful content.

You can divide your content into 3 steps namely: tip 1, tip 2, and tip 3.

As soon as you have shared your content, I invite you to ask your audience a question.

5. The Question

The question I invite you to ask after the content will engage your audience. It is important to remember that engagement around your video is an important thing that makes many YouTubers struggle.

It's important to ask this question because it will make your audience, your spectators want to leave a comment All of this is taken into account by the YouTube algorithm. Once you've finished your question, it's time for you to do the outro.

6. The Outro

The outro is the step after the question where you should say thank you, goodbye, and make your final calls to action . This should be very short because, relative to the average watch time, if your outro is too long, users feel like you're already saying goodbye, and they leave. 

So let's remember that the shorter your outro, the better. Remember that this is also the time to make your calls to action , because those who watched the video to the end are the ones who are really interested in your content.

This is when your calls to action will have more impact. After that, you make your little exit. Try personalizing it to find something unique that suits you the most. This personalized output will allow you to be directly identifiable.

Finally, the last step is the title panel.

7. The Title Panel

To close your video, you need to reserve 20 seconds at the end for the title panel, also called the end screen I advise you, for this purpose, to put a photo of yourself in the center, then on the left, to put two videos on which you can click to see more content and finally, on the right, the small button to subscribe .

You can also go further by making video animation. Still provide the title panel so as not to have video suggestions displayed on you while you are doing your last 20 seconds. 

Learn how to create a YouTube video end screen here .


In short, in this article, we have explained how to write a video script that will captivate your viewers and keep them engaged until the end of the video. These are a total of 7 steps to follow to make your content impactful and interesting.

It is up to you to try this technique in your next videos to see how effective it is and the engagement it will bring to your channel. 


► An essential tool for finding your video ideas

► Create a Youtube MINIATURE without software EASILY

► How to Create an End Screen for YouTube Video

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